Picture of Bonnie Errin

Bonnie Errin

Having lived through the pandemic years, I find my outlook on life has changed.  Time has become even more precious because I feel cheated out of the last couple years.  Those days of isolation and lockdown are lost forever.  So, I wanted to have New Year’s resolutions in 2022 that really meant something.  Resolutions that would not only get my life back on track but would improve my overall being.  I came up with four resolutions.  They aren’t complicated or impossible and should be simple to achieve.  But each of these actions will be a reaction to the pandemic and moving forward. 

Resolution #1: Travel

Like everyone else, I have really missed being able to travel freely since the pandemic.  It is so important to get away from the day-to-day routine where you can destress and recharge.  According to WebMD, getting out and traveling can have many benefits for both your mental and your physical health. Exploring new places and immersing yourself in new cultures is mentally stimulating. Doing this regularly can have great effects on your mental health.

There are many travel sites to help plan the perfect getaway.  One of the travel sites I really like is Travel Zoo.  They have everything from safaris to road trips and it is easy to get a last minute “deal”.  Exodus Travels offers more adventurous travel options and does so responsibly making sure the trips do not damage the environment or disrupt local communities. 

I know I’ll be taking one holiday this year to a National Park with my daughter.  She is an environmentalist, so we always travel to nature areas.  The national parks are a treasure and offer activities for all ages.

Resolution #2: Socialize

I’m so tired of “virtual” events.  I know it is a default to stay in my own cozy crib and Zoom away.  But that just isn’t the same as meeting people in person and interacting face-to-face or even mask-to-mask.  As Aristotle said, “Man is by nature a social animal.”  So, observing all Covid safety protocols, in 2022 I will actually leave my home and engage in social activity.  Seems really weird that should be a resolution.  My how times have changed. 

There are several web sites which provide a list of local events and social activities.  Eventbrite is a great place to explore various events nearby.  Meetup is another online resource for social gatherings.      

Resolution #3: Time Management

I feel there aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish everything I want to do.  I need to find a way to maximize my time.  I’m going to focus on time management this year to become more productive with a few simple strategies.

The first time management strategy is planning. There are many time management apps available for both personal and professional use. A couple popular apps are Todoist and Toggl Track. Using an app will help with planning and prioritizing each day, week, and month.

The second time management strategy is tackling the “most important task” (MIT) first.  Get the MIT completed in the morning when you are fresh and full of energy, and it will set the tone for the whole day.  As Mark Twain once said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”  Nice visual.

Finally, instead of micromanaging, I’m going to start delegating work to free up my time.  I find that Fiverr has many talented professionals that offer reasonably priced services.  Upwork  and Freelancer also provide a network of freelancers for many types of services. 

Resolution #4: Daydream

I know daydreaming sounds like a strange resolution but hear me out on this one.  In the past, daydreaming had a negative stigma.  A “daydreamer” was often considered lazy or a slacker.  But thanks to recent studies, that perception is changing.  It has been found that there are positive effects from daydreaming or mind wandering (the more clinical term).

According to WebMD, with many people working from home since the pandemic, myself included, the line between work and rest has become blurred.  The 24/7 grind is taking a toll on the workforce.  Daydreaming allows time for the brain to relax from the constant stimuli.  It lessons stress and anxiety.  According to the Harvard Medical School health blog, “brain science suggests ‘mind wandering’ can help manage anxiety.” 

Other daydreaming benefits are  problem solving and creativity.  Allowing the mind to freely associate various memories lead to insights.  Studies discuss the benefits of daydreaming in detail.  Purposeful or deliberate daydreaming allows mental practice instead of physical practice prior to a specific event such as a major presentation.  

But there is concern that the digital age could have a negative effect on our ability to daydream. 

According to Michael Harris, author of Solitude: A Singular Life in A Crowded World, “an annoying truth about daydreaming is that it takes practice to get good at it. And we are sorely out of practice. Our collective digital engagement and addiction might be stealing from our imaginations that capacity to roam without interruption.”  I don’t want to lose the ability to daydream.  That is why it is a New Year’s resolution.

Wishing You an Awesome 2022!

That’s my game plan for 2022 and it’s off to a good start.  What are your resolutions for 2022?  Let me know in the comments below.  Wishing you a wonderful year ahead!    


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